Friday, December 8, 2006



Longingness is very important in the all kinds of poetry. We can call it root of poetry. Every aspects of longingness are express by poets in their poetry. Tennyson’s Ulysses spend his life for seeking of knowledge John Mansfield’s ‘Seekers’ is the best example of the longing of man for God and the eternal city of light.


There is a definition of pessimism and reality in modern poetry. Suffering of the people was realised by modern poets. They came to know and started the show the reality of world. It is the tragedy and suffering of the poor people, this made them gloomy. They become pessimistic. Their faith in God started to full. Their poetry is the picture of modern society.
Tradition and Innovation:

As in modern painting, we find a lot of experimentation and innovation in modern poetry. Most of the poets have broken away from tradition completely, as they feel that 0poetry should change with the changing times. Many movements, schools and groups have appeared and disappeared over the years. Imagism, surrealism and the so called “Apocalypse” School have had their days. Some poets mostly belonging to the early years of the century remained, on the other hand, sticking to the traditions of Tennyson, Browning, and Arnold etc. Even T.S. Eliot who with Hulme Hopkins and Ezra Pound has been a tremendous shaping influence on modern poetry looks too often to Donne and the fellow metaphysical.

Thus, in a word, even innovations are influenced little or much, by the poets before them.


The pessimistic realization of the sad realities of life is partly responsible for the note of fellow-felling and humanitarianism which is to be heard in the work of some modern poets. The realization of human suffering spurs them to align them with the suffering. Even in the Victorian age were poets like Thomson Hood and Mrs. Browning who demanded justice for the downtrodden. The 20th century poets like Galsworthy, Gibson and Masefield also voiced their indignation against social regression.

In their solicitousness for the working classes, some modern English poets have honed over to the side of radial socialism and even communism.

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